Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The Wild Goose: 6 The Spirit and the Eucharist

“At the center of the Church is the Eucharist, where Christ is present and active in humanity and in the whole world by means of the Holy Spirit.” – Pope St. John Paul II

The Eucharistic liturgy is saturated with the presence of the Holy Spirit. From the moment you decide to go to Mass the Holy Spirit is active and alive. Sadly, many people don’t experience the Holy Spirit, and attending Mass becomes a chore for them rather than a life giving encounter with Jesus. In this segment we will look at a few of the many ways that the Holy Spirit is present in the Mass that will enable you to encounter God when you attend the Liturgy.


The Wild Goose video series

The parish Pilgrimage of Prayer is an invitation to explore different types of prayer. This fourteen-part video series The Wild Goose focuses on prayer to the Holy Spirit.

Gathered: Join an Adult Faith Enrichment group on Tuesday evening from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.

Ungathered: Watch the video here. Read and reflect on the questions yourself.



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