Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Parish Life

Feasibility Study Results are positive

We asked You

Our January planning study tested support for the building of a new Church of Saint Mary Community Center. The center would include a parish hall (with kitchen) for larger gatherings, a youth ministry space and a space for outreach ministries. The study also gauged support for a new music room and choir practice area and the possible improvement and relocation of staff offices that would be affected by the change in the annex space.

You Responded

448 parish households or 31.3% participated in the study, either through a personal interview or by completing an online, mail or in-pew survey.

Support for the Projects

Respondents to our survey indicated high, medium, or low support for each project. This study assigns ten points to a response of high, five to medium, and zero points to low. These numbers indicate the relative levels of support between projects and the overall support for the whole project.

Overall Observations
  • There is an upbeat, positive vibe at Saint Mary: It is a key social and faith network for parishioners; the clergy are well-respected; and the number and vitality of ministries are strong.
  • A popular sentiment is that “it’s time” to build a Community Center. Among the potential pieces of the project, the parish hall has by far the strongest support. Most see an urgent need for a hall with a suitable kitchen for larger events.
  • Parking is seen as the most significant hurdle to overcome as the project moves forward.
  • Improved communication will be vital. Parishioners need to know more about the projects and about the parish’s overall financial condition before making significant commitments.



Based on the positive results of the planning study, we are moving forward with a three-year capital campaign. The preparation phase is under way, and the “active” campaign will run through early August. Stay tuned for more information about the campaign, and please keep the parish and the project in your prayers!

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