
The Final Sacrament of Initiation
Baptism and the Eucharist are the first two sacraments of initiation into the Church. The third is confirmation, which is necessary to receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and is a reaffirmation of the promises made at baptism. This process includes a series of classes during the fall and winter months, culminating with receiving confirmation from the bishop. If you want to learn more, please click he link below.

The Restored Order of Sacraments for the Children of Our Parish
The Diocese of Tulsa and Eastern Oklahoma is transitioning toward a restored order of the sacraments of initiation, administering the sacrament of confirmation for children in the same liturgy in which they receive their First Holy Communion. To learn what this means for you, please read the full release by clicking below.
Catechism of the Catholic Church 1316
FAQs on Confirmation.
What is Confirmation?
Confirmation in the Catholic Church strengthens you by the Holy Spirit and helps you to continue living in accordance with the faith. Confirmation is related to baptism and Eucharist as one of three sacraments of initiation.
What age is Confirmation?
In the Diocese of Tulsa and Eastern Oklahoma, all parishes are moving to a Restored Order of the sacraments of initiation: baptism, confirmation, First Communion. Now children will receive confirmation in the third grade.
What is Restored Order?
Restored Order is receiving the sacraments of initiation in the order they were intended, with baptism being received as a child, and First Eucharist and confirmation being received in the same Mass in the third grade year.
Why the change to Restored Order?
The change was to give the sacraments in the order they were originally given. Receiving confirmation at a younger age will give our children ample opportunity to receive the sanctifying grace of the sacrament and grow in that relationship with God.
What if my child is past third grade and not confirmed?
Currently, we are trying to confirm all students from fourth to tenth grade. If you have a child who is not confirmed yet, we would love to work with you to help your child receive this sacrament. Feel free to fill out form below to get the process started.
Learn More About Confirmation
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