Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Rocco Family thanks the church and school communities

When we enrolled our kids at the School of Saint Mary, we did so with the hope that we were not only giving our kids a first-class education, but also joining a supportive, loving community in which our kids would see and experience our Catholic faith lived out in many different ways.

Little did we know just how much we would come to need that support and love from all of you in the church and school community.

Ellie and friends at a youth activity in 2016

As most of you know, Ellie was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia during the summer between her 6th and 7th grade school years. It was earth-shattering to say the least.

This letter is to simply say thank you to each and every one of you who supported Ellie and our family in so many ways.

Ellie’s classmates and friends surround her at the 2017 St. Jude Walk/Run to end Childhood Cancer.

The teachers and staff who jumped in immediately to help Ellie get a head start on classes while receiving chemo at St. Jude. They continued to help Ellie throughout the 7th grade year as she finished assignments and testing while going through rigorous chemo treatments at St. Jude, St. Francis, and at home. The dedication, friendship, and love they showed during this time can never be repaid. All we can say is, “Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.”

To the parents who instantly rallied with care packages, meals, help with errands and so much more. Again, we can’t find the words to thank you enough. But we certainly offer the words, “God bless you for all you did and do,” in the most sincere way possible.

The Eighth Grade Volleyball team won a 2018 tourney.

To the students, her classmates and her friends…Ellie’s world was rocked and forever changed. What didn’t change was how you supported and treated her as a student, classmate and dear friend. When she didn’t know how to respond and rally, you continued to reach out and offer support and the love she needed to get back on her feet and to continue living life to the fullest. For that, she—and we—will be forever grateful.

To the overall community, your love was evident in so many ways, including the overwhelming participation and money raised in the St. Jude walk/run two years in a row. We were honored and floored at the way the community came together in such a massive way that has helped the walk/run break records in Tulsa two years in a row.

Mostly, we appreciate the many, many prayers offered by all of you during these past two years. Without those prayers, Ellie would not have had the strength to fight back against her cancer, to keep such a positive attitude, and continue to be such a happy-go-lucky middle schooler. God bless all of you for living your faith in such a tangible way.

Shawna, Ellie, & Mike Rocco on Ellie’s first day of Eighth Grade.

Seven years ago, when we made the decision to send our kids to the School of Saint Mary, we had no idea a community could be so valuable…that a community could make such a difference in our lives. We are so fortunate that God guided us to the this place, at this time, to have all you there to support, love, and pray for our family.

Ellie smiles with classmates before her eighth grade Graduation Mass.

Thank you all. Each and every one of you. Please continue to keep Ellie in your prayers as she continues treatment for another 10 months, and please continue to be the type of community that those who face struggles in life can look to for such incredible support and love.

Mike, Shawna, Lauren and Ellie Rocco

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