Tuesday, July 16, 2024

School of Saint Mary Ribbon Mass: May 12, 2023

The annual Ribbon Mass is a long tradition at the School of Saint Mary. This morning’s Mass was the last time that eighth graders attended Mass with their second grade buddies. The buddy system pairs an older student with a younger one in a mentoring relationship.

Often the sixth graders and their Kindergarten buddies maintain their relationship for three years, concluding at the Ribbon Mass.



All Photos:


This folder includes:

  • 0467-0595 Second Grade portraits
  • 0596-0669 Ribbon Mass procession
  • 0670-0768 Ribbon ceremony
  • 0774-0776 First Communion
  • 0782-0797 Second Grade group
  • 0798-0816 Eighth Grade group
  • 0823-0966 Eighth Grade portraits
  • 0967-1011 Eighth Grade Brunch


The Mass:

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