Thursday, July 18, 2024

Altar Flowers


SKU: flowers Category:


Altar Flowers may be requested for a special occasion or in honor or memory of someone. The cost is $65 to reserve altar flowers for a specific weekend.


The florist designs the arrangements and delivers them each week so the person requesting flowers does not get to choose the arrangement and does not need to call the florist.

If you purchase this product online, someone from the church office will call you to schedule the specific weekend you wish. If you choose to pay in person, the parish secretary collects the payments and fills out a deposit slip for you.

There are no flowers on the altar during Lent, from Ash Wednesday until Easter.

Altar flowers may be requested to celebrate a special occasion or to honor or memorialize someone. Please contact the church office to reserve a date: 918-749-1423 or email

The altar flower dedications will be published in the church bulletin each week and on
