Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Parish Life

Parishioner Profile: Ellie Rocco & Family

Ellie Rocco is the most excited Eighth Grader in the School of Saint Mary. Following a year away from school dealing with a leukemia diagnosis, Ellie is returning to school. Ellie and her family reflect on the past year and share their excitement about the future.


Ellie: Last July, I was diagnosed with leukemia and so I went to Saint Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis. I lived there for about two months. Then, I got to come back home, but I wasn’t able to go to school.


Ellie, to what are you most looking forward?

Probably being back in the school and seeing my friends. Last year, I had the worst part of school – the work – and none of the social activities.


Shawna & Mike, did it help to know the church and school community has been praying for you?

Shawna: Oh, yes. The community could not have been better to us. I was gone for three months and didn’t really know what was going on at home. When Ellie and I came home for the first time, it was the weekend of the Run/Walk. It was amazing to see the turnout.

While Ellie and I were gone, people brought meals to Mike & Lauren. Lauren got shuffled a bit. Friends took her around when Mike was in Memphis so she could continue her regular schedule.

Mike: We didn’t know the Saint Jude Walk/Run existed in this town. While we were in Memphis getting treatment, some teachers started it up on their own and rallied everyone behind it. It was incredible. Last year, we had about 200 people from church and school there supporting us. As a team, Guardians for Ellie raised over $15,000 for Saint Jude. It blew us away. It showed us the type of community we are fortunate to be part of.


Ellie, what’s next?

Ellie: I’m in maintenance and I will be for the rest of my treatment, the next year and a half. Right now I’m getting weekly chemos and some occasional procedures done. I only go back to Saint Jude’s every four to six weeks.


Lauren, what does this new school year hold for you?

Lauren: I’m looking forward to being back in a schedule. I made the Jazz Choir this year. That will be something new.


Lauren, how did the School of Saint Mary prepare you for high school?

I went to the School of Saint Mary fifth grade through eighth grade. Academically it definitely prepared me. I know how to do homework. I know how to study. It was an easy transition to high school for me. Most of my current friends are from the School of Saint Mary. I made good friends here and kept them through high school.


Shawna & Mike, Ellie’s treatment requires trips to Memphis. Do you have to go there less often now?

Shawna: Much less. We’ll go back there every six weeks for a day or a day and a half. We’re so grateful that Tulsa’s Saint Francis Hospital is now an affiliate of Saint Jude. They have their own clinic. Everything we need to do for Ellie is based at Saint Jude through Saint Francis. We can’t be more grateful for that.

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