Volunteer Opportunities

The Many Ways to Volunteer at the Church of Saint Mary
As large as our parish is—and as much as we offer—we’re always looking for volunteers to fill a variety of needs. We encourage you to look through the list below and reach out to us to start volunteering. Please list the volunteer opportunities you want more information about or wish to get involved in.
Newcomers Committee
This group welcomes new members to the parish with a Newcomers Luncheon for new parishioners twice per year to foster a sense of belonging and to inform new members about various parish ministries and events, and to invite involvement of new members to grow as Christian stewards through their participation.
Liturgical Positions
We have many positions like greeters, ushers, and more that play a critical role in offering a welcoming environment at Mass and special events—like promoting a welcoming and safe environment to new and current parishioners, assisting with logistics of services and navigating the physical campus, help with registration forms, answer general questions, and so much more.
Pastoral Care
This prayer and hospitality ministry performed by lay Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion provides the vital connection of sacramental life to those unable to join our parish community for Sunday liturgy. Pastoral Care Visitation ministers bring Christ’s love to Catholic parishioners in nursing or private homes in the gift of the Eucharist and keep those unable to attend Sunday services informed about Parish events and functions.
Volunteer Office Receptionists
Our receptionists are an important component of hospitality at the Church of Saint Mary serving as an initial point of contact for the parish by answering the phone and greeting persons who visit the Parish Office.
Supper Club
Supper Club gives adult members of the parish an opportunity to become acquainted while sharing meals in one another’s homes. The ministry leaders organize groups of eight (including couples and singles) twice a year. If you would like to participate, watch for registration announcements in July and January for the fall and spring sessions.
Reading Partners
Become a Saint Mary Reading Partner and make a difference in a child’s future. Reading Partners provides one-on-one tutoring to elementary school students reading below grade level to help them succeed in school and life. Volunteers work with students at Marshall Elementary for at least one hour per week using a structured and easy to use curriculum. Hours are flexible, and no prior experience is required.
Outreach Ministry
The Church of Saint Mary is committed to serving the Tulsa community—especially Tulsans who live close to our church. Our Outreach Ministry is powered by volunteers willing to give a morning or an afternoon greeting guests, assessing their needs, and or assisting Mrs. Jackie Fusco, our Director of Outreach Ministry.
Nursery Ministry
The Church of Saint Mary offers a safe and loving environment for your child. Our nursery provides play time, snacks, a faith activity and a prayer. We also offer childcare at special events (as announced).
– Babies and toddlers up to 2 years old
– Children 2 to 4 years old
Single Parent Ministry
The mission is to support single, widowed, divorced, and separated parents by sharing resources and lived experiences with a focus on faith. They meet quarterly for social time and a short talk on various subjects relating to improving the quality of life for Catholic single parents and their children. Childcare is provided upon request.
Knights Of Columbus
Our Knights of Columbus Council No. 13313 fosters spiritual fraternity opportunities and structured service activities for men of the parish.
Saint Joan of Arc Freedom Healing & Deliverance Ministry
Jesus has been healing people ever since He began His ministry over 2,000 years ago. He came to set us free. Today, Jesus continues that ministry through his people. Teams consist of trained, loving individuals who meet you personally to hear your story and pray with you to be healed physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Our sacristans help clean the sacristies on Wednesdays and Saturdays on a scheduled rotating basis. Duties include: Washing sacred vessels, cleaning the water and wine cruets, dusting the Chapel’s altar area, ambo, tabernacle, statue of Mary, table and chairs, cleaning the holy water font at the back of the Chapel, and being attentive to anything else that needs attention.
Prayer Network
This community of prayerful parishioners provides spiritual support to parishioners and community through the power of prayer. Requests for prayers are passed along to network members based on preference. Examples of prayer requests include prayers for the lonely, afraid or sick, prayers for those in crisis, or prayers for healing.
Legion of Mary
Legionaries are part of a world-wide Catholic lay organization who work under the banner of Mary our Mother and at the direction of our pastor. Our work is evangelization with a two-fold focus: The spiritual formation and growth of our members through our commitment to lead the rosary in our parish and the sharing of that spirituality with others. Ministry members do this by visiting nursing homes, hospitals and the homebound to bring the Eucharist and pray with the sick and the dying.
Altar Servers
The youth of our parish help set the tone for a prayerful and reverent experience at our weekend Sunday Masses and holy days of obligation. The altar servers assist the presider at our Liturgical Celebrations. Parish youth in grades 5 through high school can participate in this ministry at the 5:00 p.m. Saturday Mass, 10:30 a.m. Sunday Mass and the Sunday evening Mass, and other special occasions. Training is required and scheduled at convenient times for parents.
Altar Linen Care
This group contributes to the beauty of our liturgical celebrations by providing clean linens as a sign of respect and reverence. Volunteers serve approximately three times a year on a scheduled rotating basis. Duties include weekly washing, ironing and folding the purificators, corporals, and finger towels.
Caregivers Support Group
A peer-to-peer confidential and prayerful gathering of those who care for ailing spouses, elderly parents, and other loved ones with a serious, long-term diagnosis. We share our hope and experience in the Caregiving journey. Wednesday mornings, 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., in the Library.
Funeral Luncheon Ministry
Parishioners provide compassion, support, and hospitality to bereaved families by providing a funeral meal following a funeral service. Volunteers prepare and serve the meal and the schedule rotates by team. Opportunities include helping prepare and serve the meal, serving as the funeral luncheon coordinator, or serving as a team captain.
Grief Support Group
A peer-to-peer confidential and prayerful gathering of those who mourn the loss of someone dear. We share our experience and hope as we struggle for acceptance and peace. Wednesday afternoons, 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
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