Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Oklahoma Health Dept investigates possible Measles exposure

Update for Friday, April 6

From Father Jack Gleason, Pastor:


Fr. Jack Gleason, pastor

Saint Francis Health System reached out to us today to answer any questions about the possible measles exposure from last weekend and to dispel some false information. The most common question is: Am I at risk to get measles?

Saint Francis Health System referenced the C.D.C. webpage about measles to assure us that we are all protected unless both of the following conditions apply:

  1. You are not vaccinated.
  2. You were at the Church of Saint Mary on March 30 from 12:30 – 3:30 p.m. or April 1 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Both conditions must apply for you to be at risk. If you were vaccinated, you are not at risk – even if you consumed Communion from the cup.



If you are concerned that you were exposed, contact the Tulsa Health Department, 918-582-WELL (9355), www.tulsa-health.org.

Thursday, April 5:

The Tulsa Health Department is investigating a case of possible measles exposure in Tulsa. There are several locations in Tulsa where exposure was possible including the Church of Saint Mary.


Here is the press release:



According to the Tulsa Health Department, the possible exposure happened during Good Friday and on Easter Sunday. The School of Saint Mary was closed both of those days.


What is measles?

Here is the Oklahoma Health Department’s page on measles:


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