Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Parish Life

Meet Michael Martin

How does a south Texas Protestant wrestler at OSU become a Catholic seminarian for the Diocese of Tulsa?

Mr. Michael Martin is taking a pastoral year at the Church of Saint Mary. Michael describes his role in a unique ministry in downtown Tulsa and outlines his seminary studies at the North American College in Rome.

One thought on “Meet Michael Martin

  • Rob Perry

    Hi. Just passing through. I was with St. Mary’s back in 1951-1958, when we first met in the Brookside Movie Theatre, and bused to Broken Arrow. Father Moore (the bowler), Father Beckerly (the coughing (smoking) congested Latin mumbling priest. Maybe at the end of the year, I’ll stop by, and surprise ya all. (Became a guitar teacher, Chemical Analyst, and Writer (135 books, 30 movies, and 1 pending.)


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