Monday, July 15, 2024
Children's MinistriesFaith Formation

First Day on the Job: Jane Bender and Kennedy Stansbarger

Jane Bender

Jane Bender is a long time donor of her time and talents to the Church of Saint Mary. Jane has prepared hundreds of parish children to make their First Confession and to receive their First Communion.

Jane retired from her position as a theology teacher at Bishop Kelley High School. A much-loved teacher, it’s common to see Jane sponsoring at least one candidate for Confirmation every year. Jane is such a good teacher of the sacraments that Father Jack asked her to expand her role at the Church of Saint Mary.

In addition to First Confession and First Communion preparation, Jane will take on the additional role of Confirmation preparation.

Kennedy Stansbarger

When Valerie Howard announced that she was resigning her position as Children’s Ministries director, Father Jack hired recent college graduate Kennedy Stansbarger to be the Children’s Ministries director and Middle School Youth Minister. Kennedy served two summer interships at the Church of Saint Mary in 2017 and 2018.

Kennedy has a busy summer ahead of her. She will get married in July to Patrick McDonald.

Here is a video interview Kennedy did in 2018.


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