Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Bishop Konderla speaks about Archbishop McCarrick

Bishop David Konderla recently issued the following statement about Archbishop McCarrick.


“The recent accusations of decades of sexual abuse made against Archbishop Theodore McCarrick reveal a serious and concerning problem in the Church. Such behavior cannot be tolerated in the Body of Christ. Please know that the Diocese of Tulsa and Eastern Oklahoma is committed to protecting our children, youth, and vulnerable adults. It is a sacred obligation that I take seriously and, as your bishop, I want to make sure that everyone in the flock is safe. Mrs. Donna Eurich, the director for the Office of Child and Youth Protection, continues to work diligently to support our parishes to make sure our children and youth are protected.

Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo, in this USCCB statement on the moral failures of church leaders, states that the “bishops recognize that a spiritual conversion is needed as we seek to restore the right relationship among us and with the Lord.” Please pray for this conversion in the Church and its leaders.

As we approach the Feast of Saint Michael, Saint Gabriel and Saint Raphael, archangels on September 29, I would encourage you to pray the Novena of Saint Michael for the protection, healing, and unity of the Church. “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His power. Put on the whole armor of God, so that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” (Eph. 6:10-11)

– Most Rev. David A. Konderla, Bishop of the Diocese of Tulsa & Eastern Oklahoma



Cardinal DiNardo, president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, issued a statement:

“The accusations against Archbishop Theodore McCarrick reveal a grievous moral failure within the Church. They cause bishops anger, sadness, and shame; I know they do in me. They compel bishops to ask, as I do, what more could have been done to protect the People of God. Both the abuses themselves, and the fact that they have remained undisclosed for decades, have caused great harm to people’s lives and represent grave moral failures of judgement on the part of Church leaders.

These failures raise serious questions. Why weren’t these allegations of sins against chastity and human dignity disclosed when they were first brought to Church officials? Why wasn’t this egregious situation addressed decades sooner and with justice? What must our seminaries do to protect the freedom to discern a priestly vocation without being subject to misuse of power?

Archbishop McCarrick will rightly face the judgement of a canonical process at the Holy See regarding the allegations against him, but there are also steps we should be taking as the Church here in the United States. Having prayed about this, I have convened the USCCB Executive Committee. This meeting was the first of many among bishops that will extend into our Administrative Committee meeting in September and our General Assembly in November. All of these discussions will be oriented toward discerning the right course of action for the USCCB. This work will take some time but allow me to stress these four points immediately.

First, I encourage my brother bishops as they stand ready in our local dioceses to respond with compassion and justice to anyone who has been sexually abused or harassed by anyone in the Church. We should do whatever we can to accompany them.

Second, I would urge anyone who has experienced sexual assault or harassment by anyone in the Church to come forward. Where the incident may rise to the level of a crime, please also contact local law enforcement.

Third, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops will pursue the many questions surrounding Archbishop McCarrick’s conduct to the full extent of its authority; and where that authority finds its limits, the Conference will advocate with those who do have the authority. One way or the other, we are determined to find the truth in this matter.

Finally, we bishops recognize that a spiritual conversion is needed as we seek to restore the right relationship among us and with the Lord. Our Church is suffering from a crisis of sexual morality. The way forward must involve learning from past sins.

Let us pray for God’s wisdom and strength for renewal as we follow St. Paul’s instruction: ‘Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect’ (Romans 12:2).”

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