Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Parish Life

Parishioner Profile: Kennedy Stansbarger

Kennedy Starsbarger is a parishioner who is returning to work for her second summer as a youth ministry intern.


Tell us about yourself.

I’m Kennedy Stansbarger. I go to school at Saint Louis University. I’m a Bishop Kelley grad. My aunt Janet works at the School of Saint Mary. Students know her as Mrs. Griffin.


What are your favorite memories from your internship last summer?

Middle School Water Wars was a highlight because I got hit in the face with a water balloon. We did Middle School VBS with fifty kids. It sounds scary but it ended up being a lot of fun. With the high schoolers, we did a lot of service with them. We went to Night Light Tulsa and got to work with our homeless brothers and sisters. It was a good experience to get to work with those kids.


As an intern, what is your role?

I work with Blake Lawson. I come in every day to help him with office work. We looking this summer at the vision for Youth Ministry and what we can make better. I help with VBS, with Steubenville [youth conference], and with smaller youth nights throughout the summer.


What will you be doing this summer?

I will help with the Steubenville youth conference. I haven’t been since I was a student in high school and I’m excited to get back. It’s in a new location in the Archdiocese of Saint Louis so I haven’t been to this one and I’m really excited.


What do you hope to get out of your internship?

I’m interested in doing youth ministry in the future. I am hoping to develop skills to be a youth minister, but also to walk with these kids in their formation because they’re really incredible. They really are. They’re a good group here.

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