Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Parish Life

Monsignor Dorney expresses his thanks

Dear Parishioners and Staff,

It is difficult for me to adequately express my gratitude for all that you did to help make my 50th anniversary celebrations and Christmas a joy for me.  So many of you were involved in different ways in these celebrations that it is not possible for me to mention specific persons without the probability of missing some. The people who were here from other parishes and several from out of town, as well as the bishops and priests who were able to come, were impressed by the way we celebrated Vespers on Nov. 20th and the Masses on Dec. 16th and 17th.

Those who have ever received a note from me know that my handwriting is “one of a kind.” When I was in college and theology my father asked my mother to encourage me to type all my letters because otherwise he would not be able to read them. Truth be known: I inherited that “talent” from Dad!

I had started writing some thank you notes to those who made donations to Porta Caeli House, the Retired Priest fund or our Educational Endowment fund here at the School of Saint Mary, as well as to those who made personal anniversary or Christmas gifts to me. I am not able to continue do that because I have been dealing with carpal tunnel syndrome for a number of years and writing is very difficult. Please know that I truly appreciate your thoughtfulness and generosity.

Join me in praying that 2018 will be a year in which all nations will devote themselves to making our world a peaceful one.

Sincerely in the Lord,

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