Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Events outside the ParishFundraiser

Ellen Doyle and Joe Griffin are Dancing with the Tulsa Stars

Two Saint Mary parishioners are competing on the dance floor for a worthy cause.

Spotlight on San Miguel: Dancing with the Tulsa Stars will be held October 21 at the Cox Business Center. Ellen Doyle and Joe Griffin, together with their professional dance partners, have been rehearsing to compete among six dance couples to raise funds for San Miguel Middle School. Supporters of all the dancers will come cheer them on and vote for winners. The dancer raising the most funds through voting is the winner. Advance voting is now open, so you can vote for Ellen or Joe (or both!) on your mobile phone at spotvoting.org. Each $10 vote can change the life of a child. For more information, tables and tickets, go to spotlightonsanmiguel.org.

Girls from San Miguel School show Ellen their support.

Ellen Doyle is a teacher who retired from Bishop Kelley High School. Joe Griffin is the CEO and co-founder of Intensity Midstream. Both are Saint Mary parishioners.

Joe Griffin stands with Team Joe, his San Miguel supporters.


San Miguel is a Catholic, Lasallian school in the Kendall Whittier district of Tulsa. It is dedicated to serving children from challenging environments, helping them break the cycle of poverty to achieve personal and academic success. San Miguel graduates now attend Bishop Kelley, Cascia Hall, BTW, TSAS, and Tulsa Public High Schools.


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