Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Parish Life

Parishioner Profile: Quinn Leos wins Youth Philanthropy Award

Young parishioner Quinn Leos will be honored with the Youth Philanthropy Award from Tulsa’s Day Center for the Homeless.

Quinn collects and assembles housewarming kits for Tulsa’s poor who are moving into homes. Each housewarming kits contains $100 of towels, dishes, pans, and cleaners. Quinn began assembling kits in December of 2016 and has enlisted the help of three other kids including parishioner Jackson Howard

In February, the Day Center for the Homeless will award her with the Katie Eller Youth Philanthropy Award. Quinn is the third recipient of this award.



Quinn with her parents Tim and Sandy

What award are you receiving?

The Katie Eller Award. [The Day Center] has a youth award. There is another award for adults and Saint Francis Health System is getting another. It goes throughout the community.

The award is for those who help out the community and give to the Day Center.


Why are you doing this work?

It’s my passion. I love helping other people. It makes me happy.


What’s in a basket?

All purpose cleaner, dish detergent, an alarm clock with batteries, a sauce pan, spatulas, a ladle, large spoon, dish cloths, towels, and sheets – things people need every day.


How did you learn about the need to make these baskets?

I went to talk to Sandra Lewis, the director of the Day Center. I told her that I wanted to host a birthday party for homeless kids. She led me toward making the housewarming kits.


What’s next?

We’re thinking it will end in December. We met our goal already, but we want it to go until December.



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