Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Parish Life

Parishioner Profile: Father Duy Nguyen

Father Duy is more than a parishioner, of course. He brings a tremendous energy and enthusiasm as he lives out his first summer as a priest.



Do you remember a moment when you thought God was calling you to be a priest?

I was twelve or thirteen. I would play at saying Mass for my little brothers. My dad gave me a little cup that looked like a chalice and my mom provided me with crackers and cola so that I could “offer Mass.” I thought, “Maybe I have a vocation to the priesthood,” but the feeling didn’t stay with me.

When I came to the United States when I was fifteen, the thoughts of priesthood came back to me. After a few years, I decided that I should go to the seminary.

My family was not surprised. My parents always wanted to have a priest in the family, however it was a change for all of us.


What did you study in the Seminary?

For three years I studied Philosophy and Catholic Studies, the history of the Catholic Church. For the last four years, I studied Theology to learn the wisdom of the Church throughout history.


Do you have any goals for yourself in this first year of your priesthood?

I want to share the Gospel with the people of Saint Mary. I want to share what I have experienced in my life as a personal witness – as a personal testimonial – of my faith. I’m looking forward to learning from the people of the parish. Their stories inspire me. I want to learn about their lives.

More concretely, I want to learn about the people. I don’t want to minister to them, to give them sacraments without knowing who they are. I’m looking for ways to reach out and learn so that I can better serve them and give myself more fully to them.

With the school, I want to be there with the kids. I want to play at recess with them. I’m looking forward to spending as much time as possible with the students so that we can grow together as sons and daughters of God.


What do you do for fun?

I love to play sports. I really enjoy soccer, ultimate frisbee. I like basketball but my friends tell me that I’m too short to dunk.

I love building remote control airplanes. I love fixing things and working with my hands. I like outdoor activities – anything in nature.

I love traveling very much. Good families. Good friends. I like to visit different places learning about history. I like going to the beach too.


What are your first impressions of this parish?

It’s so generous, so friendly, and so loving. Father Jack and Monsignor Dorney have been helpful in my transition here. Their leadership is amazing.

My first weekend when I got here, parishioners came up to me to say, “Hey, Father Duy!” They pronounced my name perfectly. I think that’s due to good leadership.

I am so honored to be part of this parish. To the priests, to the staff, and to the parishioners, I am grateful and I ask you to pray for me.

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